Selasa, 13 November 2012

Singapore #1

     Mungkin kedengerannya ngga mateng dan kurang persiapan. Dimana-mana orang mau jalan-jalan itu, segala hal harus fix dan siap. Khususnya bagi mereka yg hobby traveling. The preparations is the commonly thing like a new mom welcoming their new baby born. If you didn't, you are the absolutely poor man in this world. Disaster happen. I mean, not for literally. Disaster for me means, i didn't prepare my self, include cost, time, agreement the last agreement for my office.

Tapi oke mari kita kupas satu persatu...

But over all this thing.. I can reach the airport.
  Sebelum gw berpose kayak di foto ini, gw melewati waktu yang menurut gw berat banged.. Gw andilau. Bukan aktor laga terkenal itu. Gw antara dilema dan galau. Mennnn, kerasa bener gimana suasana hati gw saat itu. I'm not telling you the detail, but i'd say, that was very hard even to rise up... 

       But, when God given the bright day and sun shining so shine, there's no reason for me to feel unhappy. I try to forget ponderous of mine. It's not easy, while the airplane on the way to pick up me. Gw berusaha bangkit dan menganggap semua akan baik-baik saja. Di kepala gw cuman ada dua hal, narsum dan kantor. Tapi akhirnya gw bisa nyampe juga di airport ini, dengan begitu banyak consideration ga penting. Sementara Singapore sedang menunggu gw... :(((
Pemandangan indah ini tidak akan dapat digantikan dengan masalah yang menurut gw, gw besar-besarkan karena kelalaian gw. Wow, do you look at these sky? What a wonderful, rite??  

Gradually, i can erase all my worries in Indonesia when i arrived at Changi Airport of Singapore...

Selasa, 16 Oktober 2012

This is so meaning... love it

“After everyone was full, Jesus told His disciples, “Now gather the leftovers, so that nothing is wasted” (John 6:12, NLT). 

The Bible tells of a time when Jesus fed a crowd of five thousand with only five loaves and two fish. That day, everyone had more than enough to eat, and there were still twelve baskets full of bread and fish leftover—more than what they started with! We serve a God of abundance! I love that Jesus told the disciples to collect all the leftovers “so that nothing is wasted.” With God, nothing is ever wasted. 

He’ll never waste an experience, He’ll never waste a hurt, He’ll never waste a dream, He’ll never waste even a single piece of bread. If you’ve felt like you’ve wasted years of your life in the wrong job, hanging around the wrong people, doing the wrong things, God will gather those years and restore them back to you. He’ll take those experiences that the enemy meant for your harm and turn them around for your good. He’ll make you stronger, wiser and better off than you were before. He can launch you further into your destiny than before. Be encouraged today because with God all things are possible and nothing is ever wasted! 

T.D. Jakes, Save the Scraps 

I copied it from my tumblr. That was amazing.. i like to talk about our great God and His favor for us, that is never ending, everlasting. We can't conceive it without experience it and drowning in God's way. Pouring out it Lord.. We receive..

Minggu, 23 September 2012

How i try to worship is come from heart. The music is just instrument, the main thing is your heart as your offering.. I like every song from this band..